[arms of Caid] Populace Index [arms of the Queen of Caid]
Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms - Populace

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Eabha inghean Domhnaill
Fyvie Ohe

Iague Margoni
Justina Marie of Burgundy

Gabbriella Mocenigo
Hydyr ferch Caradoc

Names marked with (OK) have been cleared for use.

Names marked with (NC) have not yet been checked.


Gabbriella Mocenigo(OK)

Gabriel Alexander(OK)

Gabriel Battaglia(OK)

Gabriel MacMahan of Silverhall(OK)

Gabriel Shadewehauke(OK)

Gabrielle Elisabeth Chantereau(OK)

Gabrielle Sternschauer(OK)

Gabrielle nicChlurain(OK)

Gabriello de Arexio(OK)

Gaheris the Blue(OK)

Gaius Furius Marius(OK)

Gaius Gracchus of Greymist(OK)

Gaius Marius Cingetorix(OK)

Galen de Leon(OK)

Galen of Kildromy(OK)

Galen Sewell(OK)

Galen the Mad(OK)

Galien Crow(OK)

Gallus Basilius(OK)

Gamyl of Mottrum(OK)

Gar of Loch Carron(OK)

Gareth ap Rhys(OK)

Gareth Marcellus von Köln(OK)

Gareth Nikodemos Somerset(OK)

Garfield av Kunningheim(OK)

Garmon Woodworth(OK)

Garrett O'Doherty(OK)

Garrick of Shadowdale(OK)

Garrick Thomas Attwell(OK)

Garth of Cattail Bog(OK)

Gary Lee of Holywell(OK)

Gasparus Soldus(OK)

Gaston du Bois(OK)

Gaston Yvain De Dinan(OK)

Gaufroi De Fleur(OK)

Gaukr mjoksiglandi(OK)

Gautier d'Isigny-sur-Mer(OK)

Gautier Langelier of Addershold(OK)

Gavin MacDhomhnuill(OK)

Gavin O'Rourke(OK)

Gavinus Lupus(OK)

Gealán mac Bheathan(OK)

Gedkin the Studious(OK)

Gehrig Reimundsson(OK)

Geiri Smiðsson(OK)

Geirr Eiriksson(OK)

Gemma Evangelista Borgia(OK)

Gemma Rosalia(OK)

Gemma Beccari d'Arezzo(OK)

Gen the Gardener(OK)

Gendü Se{cv}en(OK)

Genefe Wizsilberlin(OK)

Geneviève Chapeliere de Soie(OK)

Geneviève de Chauvigny(OK)

Genevieve de la Marre(OK)

Genevieve de Lyonesse(OK)

Geneviève d'Orléans(OK)

Genevieve Marcheant(OK)

Geneviève Ravenswood(OK)

Genevieve la Minstrelle(OK)

Genevra Derby(OK)

Geoffrey de Blenkinsopp(OK)

Geoffrey de Cam(OK)

Geoffrey de Steele(OK)

Geoffrey des Champignons(OK)

Geoffrey le Dragon(OK)

Geoffrey le Gentil(OK)

Geoffrey Brewer(OK)

George Grey Knowles of the Hill(OK)

George Huntsman(OK)

George of Clan O'Caine(OK)

George of Glen Laurie(OK)

George of Lancashire(OK)

George Edward Archer(OK)

Geral de Riera(OK)

Gerand Lushnicov(OK)

Gerhard Barbarossa(OK)

Gerhard Goosen(OK)

Gerhard Helmbrecht von Offenbach(OK)

Gerhard von Regensburg(OK)

Gerhart von Altenberg(OK)

Gerrit d'Orleans(OK)

Gertraud von Wuerzburg(OK)

Ghert Holthusen(OK)

Ghislaine d'Auxerre(OK)

Ghislaine du Lyon(OK)

Gideon ben Levi(OK)

Giesele Hildegaard of the Mystic Dragon(OK)

Gilbert of Greenhaven(OK)

Gilbert Rhys MacLachlan(OK)

Gilchrist Blackhart(OK)

Giles Hill(OK)

Giliana Ravenild(OK)

Gillian Constance Brothwell of Durham(OK)

Gillian Kylpatrick(OK)

Gillian of Lynnehaven(OK)

Gillian Jewell(OK)

Ginevra da Cunha(OK)

Ginevra Francesca Pallucchini(OK)

Ginevra Vidrio(OK)

Giovanna Ricci(OK)

Giovanni di Battaglia(OK)

Giovanni di Fiamma(OK)

Giraldo de la Huerta(OK)

Gisela von Grimme(OK)

Gislvast of Mårtengaerdh(OK)

Giulia di Marco Gonzaga(OK)

Giulia Maddalena di Nicolo Sardone(OK)

Giuliana Bonheur(OK)

Giulietta Cifala(OK)

Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia(OK)

Giuseppe Giovanni(OK)

Glyn ap Rhodri(OK)

Glynn Llan-y-Rhyllwyn(OK)

Godfrey Baldwin Maul(OK)

Godfrey de Calverley(OK)

Godgife of Heatherwyne(OK)

Godric Sellers(OK)

Goldwyn of Britain(OK)

Gordon the Red of Darach(OK)

Gorlan of the Red Lands(OK)

Gottfrid Liljebjörn(OK)

Grace Bywater(OK)

Grace Emeline of Ravenswood(OK)

Grace of Fairhaven(OK)

Gráinne ingen Ébir(OK)

Grainne ingen Lasrach(OK)

Grainne ingen Tomais(OK)

Gráinne inghean Dhiarmada(OK)

Grégoire d'Échauffour(OK)

Gregor MacDonald(OK)

Gregor of Camton(OK)

Gregor Turov(OK)

Gregorii Ivan Vasilii Konstantinovich Paltin(OK)

Gregory de Saville(OK)

Gregory del Grifone Scarlàtto(OK)

Gregory Frazer MacAonghais(OK)

Gregory Lucan(OK)

Gregory Morgan(OK)

Gregory of Saint Albans(OK)

Gregory of York(OK)

Grete zum Bruche(OK)

Greylond Winter(OK)

Griffin Crosthwait(OK)

Griffith ap Griffith ap Griffith(OK)

Griffith von Bremen(OK)

Grim Finch(OK)

Grim øxarbrjótr(OK)

Gríma k{o,}ttr(OK)

Grimarr of Nordheim(OK)

Grimaud d'Asterisque Noir(OK)

Grima masi(OK)

Grímr askmaðr(OK)

Grímr Jónsson(OK)

Griselda Linkehant(OK)

Grisell Paintare(OK)

Gudrun in spaka(OK)

Guene Annwyll(OK)

Guenevere Marian Coe(OK)

Guillaume of Western Seas(OK)

Guilhem ben Ascher(OK)

Guillaume de Belgique(OK)

Guillaume de Saint Michel(OK)

Guillaume Du Buisson(OK)

Guillaume MacMaelMicheil(OK)

Guillaume Montaigne(OK)

Guillem Cosinier(OK)

Guillena Oriana(OK)

Guilliermo Ugarte de Navarra(OK)

Guinevere of Gravesham(OK)

Guinevere of Lyonesse(OK)

Guinevere of Wulfhold(OK)

Gunnar Grimsson(OK)

Gunnar Iverson of Hangarstad(OK)

Gunnar Jørgensen(OK)

Gunnar Redbeard(OK)

Gunnar von Lichtenburg(OK)

Gunther Garr(OK)

Gunther of Orkney(OK)

Gunther Rise(OK)

Gürcü {I.}skender(OK)

Gurin Bodo(OK)

Gustave Frambois(OK)

Gustavos von Bergen(OK)

Guy de Coldrake(OK)

Guy le Bon(OK)

Guy Marchant de Westley(OK)

Guy of Aydon(OK)

Guy of Castle Kirk(OK)

Guy Quartermain de Roncevalles(OK)

Guy Rand Gallandon(OK)

Guy the Good(OK)

Gwayr of Warwick(OK)

Gwenddoleu Idonea of the White Dove(OK)

Gwendolen atte Whitedragon(OK)

Gwendolen Blackthorne(OK)

Gwendolen of Cairnryan(OK)

Gwendolyn Corso di Bastia(OK)

Gwendolyn du Faucon(OK)

Gwendolyn Dylwen Llywelyn(OK)

Gwendolyn of Amberwood(OK)

Gwenfrewi ferch Gwillym Rhoslyn(OK)

Gwenhwyfar Gunn(OK)

Gwenhwyvar verch Owein(OK)

Gwenllian Derwen(OK)

Gwenllian ferch Hulin(OK)

Gwen Hir(OK)

Gwilym ap Riccard(OK)

Gwineth ferch Arthur(OK)

Gwydiaan am y'Gorlwyn(OK)

Gwyneth Hir(OK)

Gwyneth Llywelyn Dywyll(OK)

Gwyneth Wallis Amberon of Glendwry(OK)

Gwynevere of Riesling(OK)

Gwyon Pengrych(OK)

Gyda Magnusdotter(OK)

Gyða galin Kaladóttir(OK)

Gyles of Western Seas(OK)

Gytha Raecliffe of Dalenworth Keep(OK)

Gytha Wulfbeald(OK)

Haakon Bloodaxe(OK)

Haakon Oaktall(OK)

Hadassa Rubinsdochter van der Meer(OK)

Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi(OK)

Hadrian Black(OK)


Hagar Hagarson the Bear(OK)

Hagar Stromburg Blackrune(OK)

Haki Havarsson(OK)

Hakim ibn Suleiman(OK)

Hakim Solomon(OK)

Hakon Bloodaxe of Orkney(OK)

Hálfdan Haraldsson(OK)

Halfdan Ivarsson(OK)

Hálfdan Snøybiarnarson(OK)

Halla Jónsdóttir(OK)

Halldór Skaptason(OK)

Halldórr Þórhallsson(OK)

Hallr brjost Starsson(OK)

Hammash Mathan Mor(OK)

Hannah of Nordwache(OK)

Hannah Sigriðardottir(OK)

Hans Schneckenburg(OK)

Hans von Hammer(OK)

Haraldr hlátrmildr(OK)

Harald of Madmarch(OK)

Harsha of Caid(OK)

Hattori Shouko(OK)

Hauk Kloengsson(OK)

Havelok MacClellan(OK)

Hawke Quinn(OK)

Hawken of the Greenbriar(OK)

Hayashi Otora(OK)

Heather Rose of Glen Laurie(OK)

Heiðr eldboðungr badge(OK)

Heiðr eldboðungr(OK)

Heinrich Augustein von Helden(OK)

Heinrich der Gelehrte(OK)

Heinrich Palantine(OK)

Helena Gabrielle the Fortunate(OK)

Helena of Durham(OK)

Helena Julia of Kythera(OK)

Helene Lyoness(OK)

Helene of Glen Laurie(OK)

Hélène de Lyon(OK)

Helga gylðir(OK)

Helga Iden dohtir(OK)

Helgi hrafnfæðir(OK)

Helgi Loptsson(OK)

Helgi Gunnarsson(OK)

Helmut Wolfgang von Drache(OK)

Heloys de Mont Saint Michel(OK)

Hemneter Pennefer(OK)

Henil von Berg(OK)

Henna of Redsand(OK)

Henri Bigod(OK)

Henri le Juif(OK)

Henri Saint Jean le Blanc(OK)

Henrik der Herzhaft(OK)

Henry Dumas(OK)

Henry Forlong de Falconhurst(OK)

Herald Heraldson(OK)

Herculle de Bourbon l'Archambault(OK)

Hereward Bannerbane(OK)

Herjolf Gunnarsson(OK)

Hermes Athenaios(OK)

Herrel of Smael Nest(OK)

Hestera Bindelis(OK)

Hestia Korinthia(OK)

Hette Vitze(OK)

Hilda Grimsdottir(OK)

Hildibj{o,}rg in vikverska(OK)

Hobbs Caterall(OK)

Honor Winter(OK)

Honorée la Charmante(OK)

Honour Grenehart(OK)

Hortensia de Tarentaise(OK)

Hoshina Yoshirou(OK)

Hræfn mac Thaidhg(OK)

Hroaldr Egilsson(OK)

Hroar Njalsson(OK)

Hroar sviðandi(OK)

Hróðmundr Kristrøðarson(OK)

Hrodr-Navar Hakonsson(OK)

Hrókr bloð hrafn(OK)

Hrorek Halfdane of Faulconwood(OK)

Hrothbeorht Matheus(OK)

Hroudland von Freising(OK)

Huette Aliza von und zu Ährens und Mechthildberg(OK)

Hugh ap Rhys(OK)

Hugh de Greylonde(OK)

Hugh MacDonald of Belfast(OK)

Hugh the Undecided(OK)

Huldelille Olafsdotter(OK)

Hunith Wen(OK)

Hunric Ursel(OK)

Hvitr Loðinbak(OK)

Hydyr ferch Caradoc(OK)

Eabha inghean Domhnaill
Fyvie Ohe

Iague Margoni
Justina Marie of Burgundy

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